Monday 31 August 2009

Young, Free and Single - What the Hell is Wrong with Me?

What makes us women attractive? This is a question I have found my brain pondering for quite some time now. Is it intelligence? Finishing school with a good few GCSE’s/A Levels under the belt, possibly heading down the route of university – slogging it out for what feels like forever in order to gain that accolade that, in this day and age doesn’t necessarily guarantee that dream job or even any job?

Is it independence? Being able to hold down a steady job, pay a mortgage, run a household, provide completely for herself whilst still having time to massage (his) ego and filling the rest of her time with those who actually don’t need a list to understand her value?

Maybe it is simply the fact that one must look good on the end of “his” arm. The constant battle to stay within the parameters of looking good with and without our clothes on, eating bird like portions in front of him whilst enjoying that large Big Mac, fries and of course the all forgiving diet coke in front of our girly friends. Getting up at stupid o’clock in the morning to tame the slightly exaggerated tousled look we wake up sporting. Either our “crowning glory” is too thick and takes a lifetime to wash, dry and straighten, or it is too thin and we find ourselves squirting whatever promising gel, mousse or other appropriate “volumising agent” we can find. God forbid we sleep in and the “lesbianesque but lifesaving” ponytail is donned. Not to mention ensuring our make up is immaculate, nails are perfectly manicured (excepting the nail bitters amongst us) and that our chicken filleted, push up bra is actually enhancing what Mother Nature failed to supply us with. Whilst applying some sort of “tango” to give the desired effect that we have finally gotten out of this bleak Northern Irish weather, albeit at a regular price of £15.00 and a few ounces of self pride. Nevermind the death defying, teeter tottering on those skyscraper heels we loved in the shop but in reality can very rarely walk in but seem to turn heads. I wonder are the heads turning and thinking “phwoar” or just possibly “ouch”.

As a self confessed singleton on the verge of poking my eyes out with that miracle mascara that promises not to give me panda eyes but in fact make them sparkle for most of the week, or drowning myself in the latest scent filled with pheromones to make him fall at my feet I have thought about this on a number of occasions and wondered have I possibly been trying a little too hard? Maybe it is time to give up on the daily beauty regime, go au natural and put up with the lazy girls’ dress sense, i.e. Primark tracksuit bottoms and hand me down trainers, while I’m at it I may as well bin my self respect and peter my days away watching Jeremy Kyle and a cocktail of game shows.

Perhaps I have been slightly too cynical and there are men out there who value us women more than I actually do give them credit for but in essence where are they? I have searched in all the normal places. The local club scene only to be met with drooling students who will lavish you with the latest “promotional” cocktail, vodka and redbull, or something in a pint glass that resembles vomit, during happy hour – with the expectation that they get “a little something” in return. The 30 somethings you find in the wine bars that are either “allowed out” for an evening and would chase anything with a pulse or have resigned themselves to the fact that being a singleton is actually liberating and they only have to be nice to ensure that you end up drunk enough so that the brain in their trousers is eventually satisfied. I even signed up for a year’s membership in my local gym with the attitude that I may as well get fit and search at the same time, but let’s be realistic, no-one wants to be chatted up by a red faced, sweat drenched, out of breath, semi conscious female trying to work out how to stop the treadmill! I have even caught myself eyeing up complete strangers in the checkout queue in Tescos trying to gleam some sort of personality they possess from their actual purchases. Hmm a pint of milk, frozen pizza, and a careful selection of fruit and vegetables, oh, wait that’s my basket! Not to mention the many times I have found myself flirting with male callers when I answer the phone in work. This is when I finally succumb to the fact that maybe the single life isn’t too bad. It seems finding someone “compatible and interesting” is proving to be something of a struggle and with some of my friends beginning to settle down I feel it is my duty to re-evaluate my options or perhaps, more drastically, widen my circle of friends.

The last resort - the online dating scene. Finally, as I exhale loudly, I come to the conclusion that there could be a few men in the same position as myself and as a modern ”noughties” woman perhaps it is time that I take the bull by the horns. I scan the internet and pick a well advertised and successful site. I read the registration page cautiously and carefully ensure that I manage to portray the fact that I eat normally, am of a decent height and build, have a sizable collection of hobbies, like to travel, although do have a fear of small insects and heights, and can crack a few jokes but most importantly that this is not a job interview for my potential life partner. I feel obliged to trawl the C drive on my laptop and pick a sober yet hopefully demure picture of myself – just to ensure that the verbal visualisation I have created does not lead to utter disappointment if anything actually does come of it. I click submit and wait anxiously…… Hmmm I can’t help but feel slightly excited as well as down right petrified. The first fear ultimately being, “Will I be recognised?” but lets face it none of my “settled and self respecting” friends should be looking in places like this!

The first few responses compliment me to some degree, from my “shiny hair” to my “bright blue eyes” or even the fact that my “sexy smile” would “melt hearts” but it also doesn’t take long to realise that there are some critical Normans out there. A few knockbacks when I refuse to provide my breast size on tap, unless of course, the promise of free and very expensive underwear is forthcoming and the curse of being called a lesbian when I refuse point blank to meet in a secluded car park for sex – surely there is a law against that!

Another type of man I stumble across on this site are those who have actually had their hearts ripped from their chests and fingers burnt beyond recognition so therefore pigeon hole all women as being heartless, money orientated, tarts, or are reliving some sort of misspent youth and expect me to be willing to come along for the ride. I have also been asked “how discreet” I can be or “what position” do I like best, setting off the “unhappily married” alarm bells. Perhaps this is not such a good idea afterall!

Maybe this is definetly one of those times when I can be grateful for the fact that I am a few years away from being classed as being “over the hill” and still have a bit of time left before I need to exchange my life of freedom for being tied kicking and screaming to the kitchen sink. My older friends wisely coin phrases such as “you’re still young” and “live a lot before you settle down” so I think, although I will continue my search subtly, I will take their advice, pour another glass of wine and bury my head in my favourite glossy!

Thursday 18 June 2009

The joys of being female!! (Part 1)

Lying on the edge of the bed, legs balanced somewhere between the mattress and the wall, desperately trying not to get blood on my freshly hoovered cream carpet, or Primark’s finest, crisp white bed linen, all the while perilously scanning the room in search of something that might resemble an adequate band aid for my now crimson leg. I wonder how the hell men miraculously manage to keep their faces silky smooth without the need for a blood transfusion. I mean shaving my legs twice in as many days has proven to be a life threatening task for me – what am I a monkey! With the right knee firstly taking the brunt of the freshly installed brand new razor blade and now the poor left knee. Thankfully I have resorted to other methods of hair removal on other, more sensitive, areas of my body. All in the name of vanity! More like insanity I reckon. Venus “the number one female shaving brand in the world” has left me feeling anything but a goddess. Accepting the fact that I have managed unrelentlessly to keep my pins hair free and silky smooth for the best part of half my lifetime I am now resigned to the fact that perhaps it just is not worth the effort. Nevermind burning my bra in the name of feminism this girl has decided that perhaps it is time to consider throwing in the towel or at least learning to live with hairy knee syndrome.

Sunday 18 January 2009

My new abode!

Well people another wee update on the life of Kristine Walker eh! I am now currently residing in Corr's Corner Hotel (as of last Friday) - it seems there are a few benefits to having your home completely trashed by builders whilst you moved out to accomodate THEM!!! So while I sit in the bar with my glass of wine watching the world go by and wondering when on earth I will be able to eventually settle and call my home "home" again - awk pity me it has been in excess of 6 mths!! I'm thinking surely its not that bad (thats the wine talking). I have dropped a wee pic in - doesn't the place look all pretty - and I don't even have to make my own bed........ bliss!!!!!!

Sunday 4 January 2009

Fast food..... more like no food!

Tell me what's wrong with this cup - perched precariously on the end of my purse? (for added effect) - the damn thing looks like something you would give to a child, in fact after noseying at the McD's menu it seems a happy meal drink is not only bigger but if I had've went down the "food" route it would've been a lot cheaper too! I mean come on it's not like the E numbers in this drink would be enough to make me hyper and I even went for the diet option! What made me laugh harder was the caption on the cup "Enjoy" - how can I - there's nothing to enjoy....

£1.19 for something that, let's face it, would not moisten my tonsils (if I had any) never mind satisfy my thirst. Even the indignant, snotty nosed, many piercings, unhelpful minion who served me had a chuckle at my shock at being given something only a barbie could be satisfied with. The pound saver menu seems like a good idea in these uncertain times but come on McD's give me a break and at least give me something, other than ice, to swallow! All is said when the straw is over twice the size of the cup!

Perhaps this is another one of those times when I'm realising the saying "back in my day" comes into play but surely I would hope I'm still a bit young to be coining that phrase. The sooner we get out of this recession and McDs portion sizes become more amenable the better!

Next time I think I'll just do me a wee favour and stick with a fairly decent 500ml size bottle of "skinny" coke and put the extra 15p in my piggy bank.

Ba da ba ba ba - not loving it!

My crazy head!!

In the beginning there was............. a very confused girl with a plan to take over the world - or at least a small part of cyberspace...

Well, here goes. I have never had a specific reason or even the desire to embark on creating a blog before but as the dot com world has become such an integral part of every day life I thought I may as well join the cybercraze and try this out. Somehow the thought of sharing my innermost thoughts with anyone who is prepared to read, and perhaps find it a little amusing used to scare the wits out of me but I suppose it saves me writing to "Dear Anita" or whoever the latest most popular agony aunt is, just to get my kicks! - I didn't even keep a diary as a teenager for fear that the powers that be i.e. the parentals might have sneakied a peaky and the fact that life was too short to record who annoyed me at school, which boy I fancied or which boy band was breaking up!! But I suppose if I never try well I will never know.

What is a blog supposed to be, a personal diary that you just let the world have access to or somewhere to explore the chances of dreams actually becoming reality, no matter how stupid they seem, well I'm sure I'll figure this out in due course but whilst I'm doing that I'll attempt to have a bit of banter!

So here goes, now that I've managed to get the fundamentals out of the way (and so long as you are still reading) I will attempt to give you a little insight into the goings on in my head, well maybe not the brain but the head all the same.

I have a close network of friends, a wonderful family, and a somewhat crazy but super boyfriend too. My work colleagues (I prefer to call them friends) are simply the best and as sad as it may seem they make Monday mornings quite enjoyable (once I get out of bed of course).

I'm pretty much the same as every other 20 something girl out there - shoe shopping is a must, I can never have too many tops, handbags are getting more expensive and holidays are a bonus (once the mortgage is paid of course), drunken nights out seem to be dwindling away and instead are replaced by drunken nights in (usually a glass or two of vino and I'm anybodys! - the only difference being is the vino now costs the guts of a tenner instead of a measley £3.00 a bottle. I wonder is this the effect of inflation or is my pallet finally discovering the finer things that only an "older" person can appreciate). The fact that my usual drinking buddies are getting older too and can no longer stomach the 3 or 4 day bender with work in between doesn't help but as they say "all good things must come to an end" - Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!

The thought for today

It's a new year - does that have to mean a new me! It's 2009 for goodness sake - that means I'm what, into my 25th year and, oh my god, so much to look back on! What do I reckon 2009 will bring well, as my name is not Mystic Meg, I guess that remains to be seen..... but hopefully not too many turbulent times!!

I've just been summonsed to go shopping with the superchick chum of mine - she needs help spending her boyfriends money - (spending other people's money who in their right mind needs help doing that hmmmmm) So I will say Ciao for now and bore you all later! xx