Thursday 18 June 2009

The joys of being female!! (Part 1)

Lying on the edge of the bed, legs balanced somewhere between the mattress and the wall, desperately trying not to get blood on my freshly hoovered cream carpet, or Primark’s finest, crisp white bed linen, all the while perilously scanning the room in search of something that might resemble an adequate band aid for my now crimson leg. I wonder how the hell men miraculously manage to keep their faces silky smooth without the need for a blood transfusion. I mean shaving my legs twice in as many days has proven to be a life threatening task for me – what am I a monkey! With the right knee firstly taking the brunt of the freshly installed brand new razor blade and now the poor left knee. Thankfully I have resorted to other methods of hair removal on other, more sensitive, areas of my body. All in the name of vanity! More like insanity I reckon. Venus “the number one female shaving brand in the world” has left me feeling anything but a goddess. Accepting the fact that I have managed unrelentlessly to keep my pins hair free and silky smooth for the best part of half my lifetime I am now resigned to the fact that perhaps it just is not worth the effort. Nevermind burning my bra in the name of feminism this girl has decided that perhaps it is time to consider throwing in the towel or at least learning to live with hairy knee syndrome.

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