Sunday, 4 January 2009

My crazy head!!

In the beginning there was............. a very confused girl with a plan to take over the world - or at least a small part of cyberspace...

Well, here goes. I have never had a specific reason or even the desire to embark on creating a blog before but as the dot com world has become such an integral part of every day life I thought I may as well join the cybercraze and try this out. Somehow the thought of sharing my innermost thoughts with anyone who is prepared to read, and perhaps find it a little amusing used to scare the wits out of me but I suppose it saves me writing to "Dear Anita" or whoever the latest most popular agony aunt is, just to get my kicks! - I didn't even keep a diary as a teenager for fear that the powers that be i.e. the parentals might have sneakied a peaky and the fact that life was too short to record who annoyed me at school, which boy I fancied or which boy band was breaking up!! But I suppose if I never try well I will never know.

What is a blog supposed to be, a personal diary that you just let the world have access to or somewhere to explore the chances of dreams actually becoming reality, no matter how stupid they seem, well I'm sure I'll figure this out in due course but whilst I'm doing that I'll attempt to have a bit of banter!

So here goes, now that I've managed to get the fundamentals out of the way (and so long as you are still reading) I will attempt to give you a little insight into the goings on in my head, well maybe not the brain but the head all the same.

I have a close network of friends, a wonderful family, and a somewhat crazy but super boyfriend too. My work colleagues (I prefer to call them friends) are simply the best and as sad as it may seem they make Monday mornings quite enjoyable (once I get out of bed of course).

I'm pretty much the same as every other 20 something girl out there - shoe shopping is a must, I can never have too many tops, handbags are getting more expensive and holidays are a bonus (once the mortgage is paid of course), drunken nights out seem to be dwindling away and instead are replaced by drunken nights in (usually a glass or two of vino and I'm anybodys! - the only difference being is the vino now costs the guts of a tenner instead of a measley £3.00 a bottle. I wonder is this the effect of inflation or is my pallet finally discovering the finer things that only an "older" person can appreciate). The fact that my usual drinking buddies are getting older too and can no longer stomach the 3 or 4 day bender with work in between doesn't help but as they say "all good things must come to an end" - Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!

The thought for today

It's a new year - does that have to mean a new me! It's 2009 for goodness sake - that means I'm what, into my 25th year and, oh my god, so much to look back on! What do I reckon 2009 will bring well, as my name is not Mystic Meg, I guess that remains to be seen..... but hopefully not too many turbulent times!!

I've just been summonsed to go shopping with the superchick chum of mine - she needs help spending her boyfriends money - (spending other people's money who in their right mind needs help doing that hmmmmm) So I will say Ciao for now and bore you all later! xx

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